The road worth traveling

I had no idea that 5 years ago the road would look like is a day of celebration and let me walk you through it. 

5 years ago... @jtc9999 and I were in the intense throws of recovering our marriage. It was a choice worth fighting for and fixing, to become stronger than we have ever been.


5 years ago... I had a broken foot which took me out of my endurance training for 7 months. It made me sit and be quiet. It made me work on me. I had to be comfortable in the quiet spaces. 


5 years ago... @cassidie.cox was very sick with mono and MRSA and we were at our wits end on how to fix her health. 


5 years ago... because of my broken foot, did my research, I was introduced to alternative medicine and started using 1 essential oil (Panaway). This lead to the knowledge and understanding of holistic medicine. And 5 years ago...I ordered a starter kit with Young Living. 


5 years later...I might be called “hippie” or “weird” but we have not had a sick visit or over the counter products in our household. We are healthier physically and emotionally than we have ever been. I have a community that I would not trade for the world. I have a business that has opened so much healing and opportunities it blows me away daily. I am building something that will leave a legacy for generations to come. 

Today my gratitude runs over and over. Thankful for the hard road to get to this road and journey that God had planned all along. 🙏💜 

#oilyabundance #legacy3studio #5yearanniversary #oolafaith #sheisfearless #holisticwellnesscoach #graditude

Suzanne Cox