Free Reactivation Gift

I share this because I know some of my friends might have missed this exciting information and I don’t want anybody else to miss out. πŸ—£

Are you one of those people who grabbed a kit then life happened and you forgot you had them? Or maybe you got overwhelmed (more common than you think) and didn't use them because you weren't sure where to start? Your instinct was right. Your intentions were good. It's totally ok. I'm here to help you start at your own pace. It's never too late to try again!

Today through the end of the month you can reactivate with me. And I would help to help you get a free Thieves Foaming Hand Soap when you reactivate your account. It's perfect to have on hand for back to school and the crud season. We literally have one at every single sink in our house - I'm addicted to this stuff! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

☎️ All you have to do is call Young Living Member Services at 1-800-371-3515 and place a 50PV order.

πŸ‘‰Be sure to use member 2030189 as enroller and sponsor. 

πŸ’œ You're worth it! Your family is worth it too. I can't wait to help you begin again! Our community is incredible.

#oilyabundance #legacy3studio #myyllifestyle #freepromo #comeback #community #holisticwellnesscoach 

Suzanne Cox