Unapologetically Me

Words I read today that I want to live by and when it gets hard to be reminded of...Thank You @jodiemeschuk for the reminder this morning (lets make this go viral) đź’ś

“Unconventional. Eccentric. Progressive. Unusual. Odd. Alternative.

All things opposite of ordinary. All words that are often used to describe my lifestyle. All with definitions that are meant to paint me as some hippie weirdo.

Friends let’s just be blunt. Ordinary in our day and world is not cool. In fact, it completely sucks. The diseases and diagnosis that run rampant. Constantly needing medication to feel good. People becoming numb to reality.

People say natural people, oilers, alternative medicine followers, camel milk drinking peeps swallowed the Kool-Aid, but the truth is that society is gulping down whatever they are given that is labeled with “normal”. The new normal is scary. It’s pumping ourselves and our kids full of whatever is deemed routine by this world. And because the world wants to scare us all into its’ ways, we are even beginning to lose choice.

Sometimes it takes extraordinary to make change in the face of too much ordinary. I’ll wear my colorful words with pride knowing that the path I’m paving is one that can offer freedom for those who are searching for it amid all the chains that have been slipped around them in the ordinary.

Chain breakers. World changers. Freedom chasers. Let’s be those things.”

#bethechange #sheisfearless #holisticwellnesscoach #legacy3studio #worldchanger #notafraidtobedifferent #idontwantordinary

Suzanne Cox