Bernhard Cabernet Sauvignon 20% off
Who else's Friday night plans include opening a bottle of Bernhard and a good book?
TODAY ONLY enjoy 20% off the 2016 Bernhard Cabernet Sauvignon in celebration of the 12 Days of Giftmas! 🍷 if you want a bottle of wine that compares to $100+ (Compared to a $400 bottle) bottle of wine, here you go friends.
Offer valid through December 6, 2019 @ 11:59PM CST. No code needed. Price as marked.
And don't forget to check your list twice! We've got Clean-Crafted Holiday Gift Sets - enjoy 12% off your Gift Set purchase now through December 13, 2019 @ 11:59PM CST. Holiday Dinner Set excluded from promotion. No code needed. Prices as marked.
Scout & Cellar, Join the Clean Crafted Wine movement:
Xoxo 🍷