Business and lifestyle with a purpose...


Welcome to Legacy3  

My name is Suzanne Cox. I have always known that my life’s path was to empower women, but it took me until just 6 years ago to really understand that. As a licensed cosmetologist, professional makeup artist, endurance athlete, wife, mom, and passionate woman of God, I decided to become the gatekeeper of my home and empower my household to live healthier. And that started what I am so passionate about today...wellness.

I have created my business “Legacy3”
I have done the research for the best of the best products for my clients, and of course I have to add my artistic flare to what I do. 

  • The Savvy Makeup Artist (that’s me!) As a Professional Makeup Artist using Savvy Minerals by Young Living. 

  • Holistic Wellness Coach to Oily Abundance Family using and consulting on Young Living products. This is the ultimate wellness lifestyle. And we have a CBD line.

  • AFT Certified Practitioner (Aroma Freedom Technique by Dr Benjamin Perkus). I am certified in coaching people through this 12 step program. 

  • Wine Consultant with Scout and Cellar Wine. The Clean Crafted Wine movement. As a wine snob and wellness coach, this was important for me to research, educate on, and have available for my clients. 

    Welcome to Legacy3! 
    And thank you for joining my journey. 

"Dream big, live empowered, be passionate, and shine"

Photography Credit by Cassidie Cox